Delafruit has reduced its carbon footprint by 79% in 2021, as a result of the company's commitment to reducing its environmental impact and its commitment to sustainability. It should be noted that the highest percentage of reduction has been recorded in Scope 3 emissions, according to the greenhouse gas (GHG) protocol, which includes emissions that occur in the value chain of a company, where they have decreased by 95%.
To achieve this milestone, Delafruit has worked hand in hand with the company specialised in environmental management Climate Partner, which has cooperated in the study and calculation of the carbon footprint, based on the Greenhouse Gas Protocol standards; the most used worldwide.
Delafruit's climate action strategy is governed by the guidelines approved in the Paris Agreement. In this sense, the company has opted for the introduction of recycled materials in its packaging, as well as the use of electricity certified as 100% clean.
The company continues to work on the ambitious and continuous reduction of emissions and the study and implementation of offsetting actions in order to achieve climate neutrality and the ultimate goal of Net Zero. Proof of this is that, recently, Delafruit has installed a total of 1,656 new solar panels, in an area of 3,300 m2, in its clear commitment to the promotion of self-consumption and renewable energies.