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31 oct 20222 Min. de lectura
Nuts: Source of protein and other nutrients such as omega-3
Autumn is an ideal time to enjoy freshly harvested nuts and dried fruits, available all year round, but especially nutritious and tasty

31 oct 20222 Min. de lectura
Los Frutos secos: Fuente de proteÃnas y otros nutrientes como el omega-3
El otoño es una época ideal para disfrutar de los frutos secos recién cosechados, disponibles durante todo el año.

29 sept 20221 Min. de lectura
Delafruit, among the 100 best companies to work for in Spain
Delafruit has achieved the 45th position, according by Actualidad Económica, the economic supplement of the newspaper El Mundo.

29 sept 20221 Min. de lectura
Delafruit, entre las 100 mejores empresas para trabajar en españa
Delafruit ha conseguido la posición 45, según el ranking realizado por Actualidad Económica, el suplemento económico del diario El Mundo.

29 jul 20225 Min. de lectura
Foodwaste For Foodpack project
Waste from the agri-food industry to be the raw material for compostable packaging thanks to a new project

29 jul 20225 Min. de lectura
Proyecto Foodwaste For Foodpack
Residuos de la industria agroalimentaria serán la materia prima de envases compostables gracias a un nuevo proyecto

12 jul 20222 Min. de lectura
What is organic food?
Organic food is produced through organic farming using natural substances and processes that are beneficial to the consumer and environment.

12 jul 20223 Min. de lectura
¿Qué son los alimentos orgánicos?
Alimentos orgánicos producidos a través de la agricultura ecológica son beneficiosos para el consumidor y el medio ambiente

8 jun 20223 Min. de lectura
Delafruit participa en el proyecto SWITCHtoHEALTHY en su apuesta por una dieta más sana y saludable
Delafruit se centrará en desarrollar soluciones innovadoras (snacks de origen vegetal) con ingredientes sostenibles y saludables.

18 may 20222 Min. de lectura
Plant-based for a vegetarian or vegan diet
The Plant-based diet is based on the consumption of products of plant origin. Can be consumed in Plant-based and Vegan diets

17 may 20221 Min. de lectura
PLMA Amsterdam 2022
Delafruit will be attending the fair again to present our latest innovations and to get closer to our customers at PLMA Amsterdam 2022

5 abr 20221 Min. de lectura
The media have echoed Delafruit's financial results in 2021
The media have echoed Delafruit's financial results in 2021.

21 mar 20221 Min. de lectura
Alimentaria Barcelona 2022
Alimentaria is the international event for all professionals in the food, drinks and food service industry and represents an unmissable...

22 feb 20221 Min. de lectura
New plant protein sources to meet the food needs of the future
Project to obtain new high-protein ingredients from vegetables and mushrooms and to develop a range of protein-rich products.

13 ene 20221 Min. de lectura
Delafruit joins to the CBPC
Delafruit has adhered to the agreement of the Code of Good Commercial Practices in the food chain of Catalonia.

1 dic 20211 Min. de lectura
Delafruit joins to the Hydrogen Valley of Catalonia
Delafruit joins to the Hydrogen Valley of Catalonia, coordinated by the URV.

9 nov 20211 Min. de lectura
Delafruit's R&D&I department
Delafruit's R&D&I department, based in our facilities, is composed by more than twenty people with technical profiles that include nutrition
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