What is organic food?
¿Qué son los alimentos orgánicos?
Delafruit participa en el proyecto SWITCHtoHEALTHY en su apuesta por una dieta más sana y saludable
Firmamos un proyecto para impulsar las energÃas renovables
Delafruit adjudica el contrato de EPC a Neoelectra Green para desarrollar un proyecto de autoconsumo
Plant-based for a vegetarian or vegan diet
PLMA Amsterdam 2022
The media have echoed Delafruit's financial results in 2021
Alimentaria Barcelona 2022
New plant protein sources to meet the food needs of the future
Delafruit joins to the CBPC
Delafruit joins to the Hydrogen Valley of Catalonia
Delafruit's R&D&I department
Want to know more about B Corp?
Delafruit it's B Corp Company
Delafruit at CBME SHANGHAI with the support of ICEX
We Are Ready for Change
Charter Recognition by the Diversity Foundation
BRC certification
Replacing 2 horizontal pasteurizers with a new vertical high efficiency pasteurizer